4 Fascinating Movies Based on Books

4 Fascinating Movies Based on Books

4 Fascinating Movies Based on Books

It's award season. And maybe you know what that means? It's a time for celebration - to round up and gather the best performances of the past years. It is also a reminder that the best movies were based on books.

Please continue reading for our brief list of the best movies based on books! 

Molly's Game

Molly Bloom is a force of nature - sizzling, hustling, jostling, and commanding the room until she just isn't doing it. She's more than whip-smart. Let's cut to the chase: she is an Aaron Sorkin character based on a real person. Aaron Sorkin, the screenwriter of The Social Network and The West Wing, makes his directorial debut with Molly's Game. 

Molly Bloom is the Poker Princess, making her fortune organizing high-stakes games for the wealthy and powerful. If you love Sorkin's brand of quick-fire dialog and intelligent characters, then Molly's Game is for you. With Sorkin as the movie's director, he is not held back for better or worse. 

Jessica Chastain matches his rapid-fire title and tattle with a strong presence, smarts, and talent to work the material. As Molly, she is Molly: a force of nature as she narrates in a wry fashion. 

Bloom's same-titled memoir inspires the movie and moves back and forth in time - between her efforts to persuade a lawyer to represent her as well as her arrest by the FBI for running an illegal gambling operation. Sorkin even goes deeper in her youth, foreshadowing her stubborn streak. Her demanding dad is played masterfully by stern Kevin Costner, with Samantha Isler picking up Chastain's character nuances as the younger Molly. 

If Molly Bloom played in an online casino in the Philippines, this movie would not be possible! 


Emma has seen a thousand adaptations, but 2020's Emma with Anya Taylor-Joy is delightful despite the story's familiarity. The girl tries to help out her friends, albeit in a tone-deaf way, and she learns the hard way. It makes the sharpness of the original social satire less pronounced, but her dilemmas become more relatable because of the modern frame that Autumn DeWilde frames Emma upon. 

Anya Taylor-Joy first charmed us in The VVitch. Here, she showcases her range as the well-meaning and popular Emma. Her reinvention of Emma Woodhouse helps elevate this adaptation, especially with her tenacity and the small nuances she puts in her acting. Emma Woodhouse is unapologetically unlikeable in her iteration, but it makes the movie even better. 

Little Women

Greta Gerwig, no doubt, was onto something when she cast Saoirse Ronan as the iconic boyish writer Josephine "Jo" March. The novel Little Women has been beloved since Louisa May Alcott wrote it, inspired by her sisters after a publisher asked her to write a story for young girls. 

The delicious twist of the Gerwig adaptation is that Jo is the author of the novel Little Women. As a result, the ending can be interpreted in several ways, and this enhances the story into one that tackles creative passion and achievement - a beautiful and fresh take on a classic story that does not betray its themes. 


The captivity described in the 2010 novel can stand on its own if it wants to deliver the tension of the captivity. When the adaptation hit the screens five years later, such tension continued. Moviegoers clung to the edge of their seats, and there was a breathless unease that made it hard for them to look away from the silver screen simply. 

Wrapping Up

They say you can judge the screenwriter by the way the story and screenplay of a movie are written. If that is the question, then these examples have certainly held up quite well. These stories are some of the most enjoyable. We hope they will keep up well with some of the better book adaptations. 

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