3 Ways to Create Business Value Through Talent Acquisition

3 Ways to Create Business Value Through Talent Acquisition
3 Ways to Create Business Value Through Talent Acquisition

3 Ways to Create Business Value Through Talent Acquisition

More than 70% of HR managers say talent shortages are their biggest hiring problem, and 75% of HR executives believe the employer's brand has a significant impact on finding good candidates. To attract talented specialists to the company, it is important to show how good it is and how comfortable it is to work in it. But looking cool doesn't mean being cool. The employer's brand must be authentic and reflect the true experience of the employees. Otherwise, talented job seekers will spot the catch. Let's figure out why it is so important to hire talents, how to create a business value through talent acquisition, and how to attract real pros to your board.

Hiring Talents

The HR brand of a company includes two components: external HR (how job seekers perceive the company) and internal HR (the opinion of employees). Winning the war for talent acquisition can only be achieved with the full development of the HR brand. But you always need to start from the inside.

Hiring Talents
Hiring Talents

Creating Business Value

Hiring talented employees opens a lot of opportunities for businesses:

3 Ways to Create Business Value Through Talent Acquisition
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  1. You can expand your business horizons — getting talents on board is a good way to reconsider your niche and expand your business;
  2. You can find different solutions to existing problems — talent acquisition allows you to diversify business management;
  3. You can increase performance and revenue — when you hire a professional employee, you can count on his top performance and super contribution to the business.

As you can see, talent acquisition is a good tool for reaching professional heights. It works similarly to employing Forex strategies in India and using professional tools like Forextime. Thus, by registering an account on a great platform and developing an effective tactic for Forex trading in India, you can make great profits with no special effort.

Internal HR Branding

The employer's brand reflects the culture of the company. And the corporate culture needs to be constantly maintained and developed. It cannot be installed once and for all. All the little things are important here, including the supply of stationery and bottled water. Errors in internal processes, uncomfortable working conditions, boring corporate parties — all this negatively affects the image of the employer.

Career prospects, training, and corporate events are of great importance as well. If a company organizes travel to industry seminars and conferences, provides access to training tools, or conducts training programs itself, this must be communicated to applicants. 

External HR Branding

This comes in hand with the formation of a unified positioning policy and differentiation from competitors. It is important to correctly present yourself in the labour market: to develop a slogan that reflects the company's mission and its strengths in comparison with competitors. 

This clause combines internal and external HR branding. Advertising, publications in the media, and the company image on the Internet are directly related to the external.

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Employer reviews are of great importance when it comes to external HR branding. 70% of applicants read an average of six company reviews before sending a job application. With negative reviews about the company, finding candidates is more difficult. In this case, HR's task is to neutralize the negative feedback from the applicants who didn't pass the interview.

External HR Branding
External HR Branding

Factors Affecting a Company's Online Reputation

A company's online reputation depends on several factors, and all of them need to be kept under control:

  • Provide complete information about the work. Job seekers are increasingly referring to their job search as an online purchase. They want to know not only the feedback from other people but also the basic information about the business: what makes a company a good place to work. Therefore, you need to be prepared that a well-informed candidate will come to the interview. About 65% of job seekers specifically collect information about the company, its expectations, work style, and the interview itself;
  • Don't forget about the distributed responsibility — Social media has revolutionized marketing that is no longer the sole custodian of a brand. The corporate and employer brands are now in the hands of employees and customers. More than 80% of people trust the recommendations of ordinary people much more than advertising, this also applies. So you should take care of it.

Only if you adhere to the above, you can build a strong brand, hire real talents, and achieve professional success no matter how competitive your business niche is.

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