As we commemorate International Women's Day on March 8th, there is no better way to honour it than by remembering and appreciating the amazing women who have made history with their incredible talents, determination, and wisdom.

While the origins of International Women's Day trace back to the early 1800s, evoking memories of impassioned movements for women's rights, significant progress has been made since then, yet much remains to be accomplished.

This day belongs to all of us; the struggle for gender equality must continue steadfastly until true parity is achieved. The women of history mentioned below will continue to inspire us with their profound words.

Colours and Theme for International Women's Day 2024

The colours associated with International Women's Day are purple, green, and white, each carrying symbolic significance. Purple represents justice and dignity, while green symbolizes hope. White, although a contentious concept, signifies purity.

This year the theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is “Invest in women: Accelerate Progress”.

Inspiring Quotes

In celebration of the political, economic, social, and cultural triumphs of women, The CEO Magazine presents a curated selection of quotes that inspire us with the spirit of change and resilience:

“When we do the best that we can, we never know what. miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.”– Helen Keller

"Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country."– Margaret Thatcher

 "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."– Maya Angelou

"Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers. You can fill your life up with ideas and still go home lonely. All you really have that really matters are feelings. That's what music is to me."– Janis Joplin

 "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."– Mother Teresa

"Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences."– J. K. Rowling

"I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simple look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." - Eleanor Roosevelt

"The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race."– Susan B. Anthony

"We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States, be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever."– Susan B. Anthony

"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you."– Oprah Winfrey

"A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts."– Nancy Rathburn

"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform."– Diane Mariechild

 "Just watch, all of you men. I'll show you what a woman can do…I'll go across the country; I'll race to the Moon… I'll never look back."– Edna Gardner Whyte

 "Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes." They will say, "Women don't have what it takes."– Clare Boothe Luce

"The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us and how we see ourselves successfully acknowledged by the world."– Arlene Rankin

"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough."– Oprah Winfrey

"Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult."– Charlotte Whitton

 "One likes people much better when they're battered down by a prodigious siege of misfortune than when they triumph."– Virginia Woolf

 "When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."– Helen Keller

 "Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to require the most from you."– Caroline Myss

"One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go."– Sheila Murray Bethel

"Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression."– Margaret Sanger

"A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult." – Melinda Gates

"Working hard overcomes a whole lot of other obstacles. You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, and you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people."– Marsha Evans

"We still live in a world in which a significant fraction of people, including women, believe that a woman belongs and wants to belong exclusively in the home; that a woman should not aspire to achieve more than her male counterparts and, particularly, not more than her husband."– Rosalyn Sussman


As we commemorate International Women's Day on March 8th, it's an important moment to celebrate the enduring strength and resilience of women throughout history. From the earliest movements for women's rights in the 1800s to the ongoing struggles for equality today, women have shown remarkable courage and determination. While progress has been made, the journey toward true gender parity continues. The wise words of trailblazers like Helen Keller, Margaret Thatcher, Maya Angelou, and others inspire us to persevere in the face of challenges. Let us honour their legacy by continuing to advocate for a world where every woman can thrive and fulfil her potential.

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