<div class="paragraphs"><p>POINTS TO MAKE JOB HUNT DURING LOCKDOWN EASY</p></div>




Kaushal Kumar

Job hunting tips during the quarantine


Digressing the system of the whole world and many company's plans of action in 2020, the coronavirus concern has been causing some major issues for employers, job seekers, and employees.

From a company's point of view in COVID-19 lockdown, they are experiencing hiring problems which are not taking place as it uses to be earlier due to the lockdwon session. And from potential employees, well, this means that there are opportunity and a way to cope up with your job search.

We, at The CEO Magazine, have researched and collated the information essential for you to strengthen your job-hunting process efficiently. Here you go:

  • First, Start with your Career Plans: Well, just like any other task, well, one needs to have a plan before starting any venture especially when it comes to your career, you can do hit and miss, but it won't be efficient, so start with taking into consideration all avenues for your career plan and strategically planning your next move.

    Now, in many cases, it is hard to figure out and focus on the right career move, but lockdwon period is the best time where the competition is less and it is easy to look out with the resources from where you can start your job search.

  • Update Your Resume: This is a time where we tend to have the unrestricted and unhindered amount of time all to ourselves, and if you are looking for a new opportunity, well, its time to update the resume as well, the important document to cross a job interview.

    Updated and appealing, it raises the chances to get invited to a job interview. Get started on making your resume up to date with all the required information that needs to be informed to a recruiter or hiring manager of the company.

    With all your new skills and experience, make your resume eye-catching and updated, update it by yourself or try an online resume builder or hire a resume writing service that can help them to build your resume efficiently.

  • Social Media, Work and Leisure: You must have used your mobile phones for grasping a ton of information, relevant in your life or not, for entertainment and news, well, it is time to put it in use for your career.

    Get started with the social media websites like LinkedIn, update or register your profile in these sites, which will be a boon for your career growth.

    Make sure you don't just stop there and reconnect with the people who are already there in your network, share information in your LinkedIn feed that supports your professional speciality and invite people who work at your target companies to connect.

  • Online Courses For That Updated Resume: If you have gone through the first step, well, you will be able to understand that what are you lacking and quarantine is the time you can give to working on yourself and getting enrolled in an online course to furnish your skill set, a mandatory task on the checklist before applying for jobs.

    As today recruiters choose wisely by looking over to the skill set required and fixed criteria's for the job role, you don't want to lack behind. Right? So, go for some online courses like digital marketing, graphic designing, programming courses and others.

  • Interview Preparation, One Step Closer To Your Career: Well, asking for help when you need from a professional never hurts anyone, especially when it is about how you will be presenting yourself to the recruiters and getting interview preparation tips will be a great help for your career.

    Don't be one of those people who avoid taking such courses because they believe only the normal process takes place in a job interview and lack behind getting selected for the further rounds. Make sure you opt to take an online course for interview preparation at the right time.

  • Seek Work From Home Opportunities: Change, in times like this, we have realised as a community that many jobs can be done online from the homes which make them a great option especially when there is a total lockdown session going on, there is an authority to work from home.

    You can search for work from home job opportunities, which is an easy and convenient way to complete your targets and goals. So taking advantage of this coronavirus outbreak and working on new skills can change the direction of your career.

  • Engage with People: It is obvious that several people are working from home including the recruiters and hence the engagement in online communities has increased. There is a major shift in the offline events being moved online that is creating new ways for people to connect.

    So, again, engaging with people and building up your network with them is your task now, they will help you to be aware of the industries protocols and various other news feed happening around the job market.

  • Don't stop getting at it:  Well, searching for jobs, you will come across many options, many calls, many interviews as a part of the experience and there at times comes a stage where a person starts losing hope for finding a job.

    You should never stop getting at it, trying again, keep searching, and applying jobs that will only help you in boosting your confidence and make you aware of all the other things related to the job search process and required criteria's.

    You have the skills and the opportunities, just keep sending your job application and polishing up your resume and cover letter.

  • Sharpen Your Phone Talking Skills: It is not an option opted by many people, but an unwanted result of what the situation is, lots of talking on phone calls.

    So, if you are one of those people who are not comfortable talking on the phone and, due to coronavirus, are stuck with video or phone calls used as the only the way that most companies will be conducting interviews.

    Focus on getting ease with the talking skills if you are not comfortable talking on the phone, join up with few friends to help you run through a few practice calls which can help you in taking further interview phone calls.

So, though it is a stressful time, get started with these tips and make your job hunt more efficient and easier. Remember you are not alone and stay healthy and safe.

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