Marketing: Why Use Linkedin To Generate Leads?

Marketing: Why Use Linkedin To Generate Leads?
Marketing: Why Use Linkedin To Generate Leads?

Marketing: Why Use Linkedin To Generate Leads?

Lead generation is a focus point for any B2B organization; it brings consistent and reliable revenue. There are numerous social media and digital platforms that can help to generate leads and boost your sales. But today we will talk about LinkedIn.

Why use LinkedIn to generate Leads?

LinkedIn is one of the most underrated social media platforms today but you can boost your sales and generate a huge number of leads here.

Read on to discover how LinkedIn can help you to generate leads and important LinkedIn Marketing techniques:

Generate Traffic through LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is four times more likely to gather business-related traffic and send it to a company website than any other social media platform. You just need to make sure you know what to post when to post, and how often to post and you can easily catch the eyes of potential leads. Use hashtags to involve in relevant industry conversations.

Draw New Clients with Long-term Posts

Inbounds marketing mainly depends on drawing new clients to you. LinkedIn can help you in doing so. Write long-form posts including useful tips to attract new clients. For the best impact, make sure to write 800-2000 words long and post twice a week.

In this competitive B2B tech world, being a thought leader means people know who you are. As they grow to trust you through your long-form posts and potential client will consider your brand when you are looking for tech solutions for their own business.

Branding through your own LinkedIn Group

On LinkedIn, you can create your group where you control its content and reach. With it, you can engage your audience and leverage your thought leadership to make a difference with members of your group.

Make Yourself Discoverable

Like other social media platforms, a lot of people search for professional connections on LinkedIn. Complete your profile, chronicle all your relevant work experience, complete with clear job titles and descriptions and you can make yourself discoverable easily.

Find some relevant keywords you want your profile to rank for include anchor text in your links in your profile; try to join more and more relevant groups. Also, ask for recommendations from your connections.

Spread Awareness through Videos and Slide Share

On LinkedIn, you can post short videos on the products and services sections of the company profiles. Short videos can also be used from a personal LinkedIn page by which you can spread awareness about your brand in an organic way. Ask your employees to share a company video on their personal LinkedIn sites; it will give a boost to company visibility.

Build Smart Connections

Another way, LinkedIn helps you to get new leads are by helping you to cultivate the relationship you have with your current clients. Focus on connecting with them on LinkedIn and watching their connections as possible new connections for you.

Also, make it a policy that everyone you meet or have a conversation in your life can be your potential LinkedIn connection. If you meet someone in line at a restaurant and have a 1-minute discussion that leads to an exchange of business cards, connect with them on LinkedIn. Later, they can be your potential client and they may be connected to that ideal who is searching for the services you provide.

Sponsored Content

Apart from different organic ways of marketing, LinkedIn can also help you to do sponsored posts. With sponsored updates, marketers infiltrate the LinkedIn feeds of people who are most likely to find their content valuable.

Here are some quick tips for the effective result:

Add an interactive thumbnail image

Create a compelling headline

Try to take maximum benefits from your connections

We all know that Slide share holds a wide viewing audience; also it can be optimized easily. So take this benefit and give a boost to your post's rank over traditional posts.

Work for the Alignment of Sales and Marketing

These days, the customer is researching online ahead of time and typically use marketing contends to help inform their purchasing decision before even reaching out to a sales rep. Here, first of all, work to meet the needs of customers who can be your customer in future.

Bottom Line

These are some effective points answering why use LinkedIn to generate leads? So implement these methods, join the conversation daily, check-in with various groups and be ready to dive in and generate leads. You may also visit Quantum Marketer to find out more about increasing LinkedIn Followers.

But remember Rome was not built in a day. It will not happen overnight. Be committed, give your time and efforts and you will be able to produce great results.

Hope you find this article interesting and helpful. What you are marketing strategies on LinkedIn? Do you use LinkedIn to generate a lead? Let us know in the comment section below. 

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