Blockchain Technology - Benefits and Use Cases

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology accompanied the introduction of cryptocurrencies, and it is considered the backbone of digital coins and tokens, holding the system together and promoting the core characteristics of decentralisation.

Different blockchains have been developed over the years with distinct features and benefits. These public ledgers support the ecosystem of the designated cryptocurrency and integrate with multiple NFTs, dApps and DEXes. Let’s explore the blockchain and its main benefits.

Understanding Blockchain Technology

From a banking perspective, central and commercial banks process all centralised transactions and control all traditional means of payment, such as credit and debit cards and e-wallets.

From a cryptocurrency standpoint, transactions are not governed by a central authority. Instead, they are processed through a shared public ledger, called the blockchain, where all crypto payments and operations are recorded and shared.

Users can find any blockchain transaction using a payment hash and track its details in some of the finest transparency and security measures.

This revolutionises the banking industry because it promotes trust among users since it does not require complicated procedures or providing personal details and is much faster than classic payments.

Benefits of Using The Blockchain

Blockchain is mostly used in the crypto perspective, acting as a central log for all transactions. However, other industries are adopting elements of this advanced technology to gain from the following advantages.

Faster Transactions

Blockchains use smart contracts to interact with crypto wallets, pass the transaction to validating nodes to approve the operation, register the payment in the blockchain as a new block, and release funds in the receiver’s wallet.

This operation takes a few seconds and requires only a couple of clicks by the sender, making Bitcoin payments very fast. Conversely, classic payment methods rely on regulated banks that process payments using complex bureaucracy, data collection and pending times, which can extend to minutes or days.

Lower Transaction Fees

Crypto payments involve fewer intermediaries, and with the support of peer-to-peer networks, these operations are conducted directly between users without relying on a regulated bank or financial institution. Therefore, blockchain transactions are associated with lower fees.

The only cost of payment in cryptocurrencies is the gas fees, which compensate the validating nodes and contribute to the development of decentralised ecosystems and networks.

Non-crypto Utility 

Blockchain technology offers multiple benefits outside the crypto context, such as facilitating loan-taking, logging patient records in healthcare systems, and providing secure cloud storage for technology and software development purposes.


Blockchain is a fascinating technology that publicly shares crypto transactions, allowing users to track their payments and promoting trust in global transactions. This sophisticated network has multiple use cases, offering robust security for healthcare systems and a safe environment against cyber threats and risks.

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